How to view a new year and a new you

The Art of celebrating small wins
I woke up this morning having this thought in mind, having a battle in my head. A kind of battle we all have within ourselves, for we grow. This is a new year and we have set our own personal challenges, plans, and goals. The thing we forget is that there must be a bigger plan upon our lives either we believe it or not.
In this year of new beginnings, how can we relate to our battles and challenges, but also enjoy the moment. I have been reflecting on it for the past weeks and through books and talks, and also achieved challenges I succeeded to accomplish, I came to this comforting place of peace with my small steps/wins.
_ Baby steps Leeds to big ones
Children are fascinating, they grow before our eyes without us understanding the pace. It is sudden and it hits us one day “this child has grown so much, I didn’t see it coming”. Well, that little child is still within us, even when we grow older. Aging has informed me of the new baby steps ahead and that I should not minimize nor despise them because they are normal.
There is a saying in French: “Tout vient à point à qui sait attendre”, meaning “Good things come to those who wait”. Everything happens and comes at the appointed time, no point running. It’s a relieving lesson, but it does not mean we should not act and take steps, we must just rethink our moves in a matter of distance and time. Maybe we pressurize ourselves way too much with these mega goals, short and long-term ones also. I have no criticism of the approach, I used to do it, but I realized small steps suits me better. Of course, I try to envision goals in a long-term phase, but I mostly want to enjoy some small actions that will lead to wins because they make me put a step further. Those daily further steps can be life-changing and stress-free as well.
_ Let’s get to celebration = which is being grateful
Celebrating waking up early, enjoying simple things as a healthy breakfast, the ones in our life we love and care for, the project you run out of sleep for, the relationship you focus on (yourself and that special one…). All these simple things we overlook sometimes, lead to a bigger plan and a bigger acceptance of wins and losses (that I prefer calling lessons).
As everything we know and practice, we must learn. I believe accepting and celebrating our small wins is a skill to learn so as writing, designing, painting, speaking… etc.
I have a challenge for you for today, try to celebrate every decision you make from the simplest (the best ones) to the more complicated ones, just acknowledging you did put a baby step on you or a bigger goal.
Today this is my baby step, I have never written an article before, I always thought of writing as a mountain only real writers climb. At a point, I came back to my senses because it all starts with baby steps, we all start somewhere and with something; only repetition and consistency are keys to some kind of real capacity. So here is my baby step and I am celebrating this little win of mine.
It has to start somewhere, it has to start with a baby step and it is something powerful to acknowledge. The twist to it is mostly not to put pressure on the small win no matter the result! It could lead to nothing tangible, but in your inner self, there has been a huge shift.

_ My small win or baby step
I have always dreamt of writing and I did put pressure on myself, what I didn’t realize is that coming back to journaling led me and helped me enjoy putting thoughts on paper, in a way that today I can make a baby step of this level.
So let’s wake up and start celebrating the small so that we can really and meaningfully enjoy the big ones. I never said it was an easy task, no it’s demanding and sometimes you may feel “what’s the point?”. Reflect better on it and you will start seeing the benefits of it. That big dream of yours why not break it down in little wins and don’t put too much pressure on Time. Time is a value we can’t control, so why fighting?. Let us use the value of Time and do the work on our pace, relieving ourselves during the climbing!.
I celebrate this little words today and I celebrate the joy of putting words on this paper(pad). We should never forget it’s a privilege to be able to do it.
My goal is to get back to this acceptance when needed, “small wins” I hold onto, in order to grow during this new year.
Have a lovely day of celebrating your small wins.