Do your magic © Keva Epale. 2018

Creativity is vibration…

Tunning in on the right level

Keva Epale
Published in
5 min readJan 14, 2019


The more I grow and learn from ups and down in my graphic chronicles, the more I acknowledge how important it is for me to understand “states of creativity” and get around them often to know and grow in my creative potential.

The Creative Intelligence in you

Knock, connect, ask, co-create

Photo by Christopher Martyn on Unsplash

You definitely know our common friend, the creative intelligence in you. A friend of great value and funny too, once you get to know it/him/her… whatever name or genre you give him.

It’s only recently that I finally gave her the name and title she deserves. I always knew she was with me but never really connected with her at a deeper level, a daily face to face with a friend and co-creator.

How did I not know better such a source of creative intelligence within me? She used to generally come in when all my resources have been wiped out. When finally I would knock at her door for help, she would open and show me the right way to see, do, understand and share.

Our daily meeting

Through my “power morning routine”, I got to know her better; the morning is the most precise moment to interact and talk with her. She is quite a funny being, inspirational, direct, warm, kind but bossy too in a good way. Realising and naming “her” was a huge step; it opened possibilities I was unaware of. The myth of creativity only coming from one individual, maybe a pressure. True inspiration comes to you, it comes because you meet “The intelligence” that speaks only if you knock on the door and say: “Hi, can we talk… I need your guidance, to learn, play… create”.

A growing relationship that takes its roots in curiosity and awareness. As unique and different as we are, the presence of that intelligence is common to all of us. As designers, artists, and creatives it’s even more critical because it feeds us, we need it to birth ideas and create them.


“You never know where Design will lead you to”

This is of one my favourite quotes, but in the light of acknowledgement, it became: “you never know where creative intelligence will lead you to”. I understood it is a lead-follow journey, and the key to this guidance is “Vibration”. In a previous article, I talked about the vibration of work and the need to be in it or create an environment because it is the formula to be “tuned in”. Changing my views on vibration and design has allowed me to see my work as a co-creation. I even use the excellent vibration as a signal: “feel good create well!”.

It just doesn’t matter, follow the instructions

It has taught me to follow the instructions, co-create, test, debate and realise how Creative intelligence knows it better. It has removed a lot of result expectancy; once I finish a project, I ought to let it live and move on. The instructions sometimes can be uncommon and out of the box; creative intelligence will most of the time take you on unconventional paths and ask you to do and create with a twist; she is never the expectation; she is beyond.

I am currently designing a book project that was started 6 years ago and kept in a drawer. Out of the blue, it became a momentum, an urgency to update and design it now. I can fight it but in the end, it is of no use, Creative intelligence knows how to bring light on your “calling”, whatever the details of it.

Her vibration is “joy”!

Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

She is a nice being, she knows it all.

She is kind of cool and lives in a state of bliss that is contagious. Convincing, direct, honest and giving “You” the choice: “do you want to join the ride or will you just witness your journey”.

She is always claiming betterment for she knows your heights more than you do. The more you trust her, the more you will be revealed to your capacities and surprises you weren’t aware of. Step by step she shows you the decor and you uncover new spots of “awe”.

The more you choose joy the more you exist on the same level as she does. Have you ever witnessed the power of joy? Sure you have, we possess it all. How more productive are you?, more wired to overcome obstacles, more peaceful to finish or even quit and start again. “Joy” is already A success.

“You” only know what makes “You” feel good, do it and level up your vibration to Her’s, and it is a good start.


Obviously not all the time we are in that state but she is full of understanding. She will always be the reminder of our “WHY”. It’s our choice and when we are ready we get back to her.

She will always be there to tell us to get up! Pick up our mood! and join the ride again. A choice and daily practice, overall an encounter with a kind friend (who knows you more than you know yourself).

So level up your vibration, do what it takes for you at your pace and enjoy those talks with your co-creator… in life as in design, When you are tunned in… action!

Photo by Jakob Owens on Unsplash

I hope you get to know this Dear friend better; She is closer than you think.



Art director, illustrator and brand strategist. Creator of the newsletters: ''Your Creative Letter'' and ''Your Branding Letter''.